
If you want to train a border collie to work sheep, you should understand that it's a long term project and put aside any desire for instant gratification and results. Having said that, you'll find there are times when the dog's progress can be meteoric. 
Maybe most important of all: 
A WORKING BORDER COLLIE CAN BE A TOUGH COOKIE - to train one, you sometimes have to be even tougher! 
Before you can properly train your first sheepdog, you should have some knowledge of the way their minds work and be prepared to take the blame for nearly everything that goes wrong because it will, in all probability, be your fault. It's quite rare for a dog to be deliberately disobedient - more usually, they simply don't understand what we want them to do, so their instinct takes over. 
There may be times when your dog ignores your commands and you would be justified in thinking he's just being disobedient - but the reason he's ignoring you is because he's not sufficiently bonded with you yet. He doesn't respect you sufficiently. Work on gaining his total respect before anything else. It's up to you to demonstrate that by doing as you say, the job will be more efficient and pleasurable for all concerned. This can take an awful lot of patience and understanding with some dogs - or be quite a quick process with others. 
Not long ago, some neighbours stopped to watch a training session and asked me how I could get the dog to work so well and for so long without giving it some praise or reward. I know little of training other breeds but in the case of Border Collie Sheepdogs, the greatest rewards you can give are: 
1) To allow the dog to work or continue working. 
2) Show the dog you're pleased with its work by the using the tone of your voice. 
Dogs need to be corrected during their training but it's important to note that just as we humans hate being bellowed at all the time, so does a dog - and just as we're more likely to be cooperative if we're instructed in a civil tone, so's our canine friend. (I wish I could remember this more often, myself)! 
To train a sheepdog from a puppy is a long process and will take you through various stages from euphoria to utter despair. Sometimes, you'll think your dog can read your mind and at others, you'll feel utterly humiliated and think the dog's forgotten everything you taught it. You must be prepared for this (just like us) and remember that the bad times will become fewer if you believe in your dog and yourself. When you hear someone say: "I had to get rid of Fido - just couldn't stop him (doing this, that or the other)". What really happened is that they couldn't work out the reason Fido was behaving the way he was. 
The most important attribute a dog trainer can have is patience - the next is determination. 
When does a sheepdog become a sheepdog? 
Imagine your sheep had escaped ("surely not," I hear you cry - "our sheep NEVER escape") and are roaming your neighbour's fields. Your only dog is the youngster you have at home, just in the early stages of his training. Would you take that dog to help get the sheep in, or would you call a friend and ask him to bring his dog - leaving the trainee secure in the kennel where he can do no harm? If you'd take the trainee - because you're reasonably confident that between you, you can get the sheep back into your field, then (in my opinion) he's a sheepdog. 
Early Training 
The basic commands generally used in sheepdog training are traditional. "Come-bye" tells the dog to move clockwise whilst "Away" means move anticlockwise around the sheep. If you have difficulty remembering which is which, try this . . . 'c' stands for "come-bye" and clockwise - while "a" stands for "away" which is anti-clockwise! (Unfortunately, there are one or two small areas in the UK where the commands are the opposite way around!) 
"Lie down" means stop but as the dog gets more experienced, it's used in many different ways and can mean anything from stop or pause for a moment - to "don't do that" and much more. Some handlers insist the dog lies down when told to - in which case they normally use "stand" when they just want the dog to stop or slow down. "That'll do" tells the dog work has finished and he must come back to you. Other commands are "walk up" which means move towards the sheep. "Steady" and "Time now" - both meaning slow down or keep going slowly. Who said dogs aren't intelligent? It doesn't matter a hoot to the dog which words we use - we could say "lottery ticket" and as long as we were consistent, the dog would work out what we meant - but if you ever want to sell your dog, it might be difficult to explain to the next handler that he had to say "lottery ticket" if he wanted the dog to move clockwise around the sheep! 
"Lie down"(字面意思“趴下”)意味着停止,不过随着狗的经验逐渐增加,这个口令可以有许多用途,含义从停下、暂停一会儿到“别那样做”,等等。有些指导手坚持让狗听到指令时趴下,这时他们会用”stand”(字面意思“站住”)来告诉狗儿停下或减速。"That'll do"(字面意思“可以了”)告诉狗儿工作结束了,他必须回到你身边。其他指令包括"walk up"(字面意思“走上前去”),代表走向羊群,"Steady" 和 "Time now"都表示减速或继续缓慢地前进。谁说狗不聪明呢?我们用什么词,对狗来说根本无所谓。我们可以说“彩票”,只要一直重复,狗肯定能弄懂我们的意图。不过如果你想卖掉你的狗,向它的新指导手解释“彩票”等于绕羊群顺时针跑,可能会有点困难! 
How do I train my dog? 
When you take your sheepdog pup to sheep for the first time, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that he'll behave just as it does at home. It's possible of course, but even if he did, very soon he would gain confidence and turn into a quite different creature altogether. Remember that once the dog's most basic instinct is aroused, it may want to trap the sheep and kill them. By starting the dog on sheep at an early age we can discourage this before it becomes a problem. Either way, it's up to you to stop this happening and to convince the dog that he's better off working for you than to his own agenda. 
At first the dog will appear to completely ignore anything you say and any commands you try to give. He's not behaving badly - just following his instinct and as you appear to want to stop him doing what his ancestors have done for centuries he'll ignore you and carry on despite your 'interference'. 
A dog which will lie down and then come to you without fail at home will almost inevitably ignore and humiliate you for his first few sessions with sheep. If you rant and rave at it, you'll simply make the job of convincing the dog it would be better off working for you far more difficult because you'll be confusing and frightening him. 
Better to stay calm and be persistent. It's unwise to have an audience at this early stage because inevitably, things will not go to plan and if you're embarrassed or feel humiliated in any way, it will not be helpful for you or your dog. Bring your friends and family along once you're able to reliably stop the dog! 
Your dog will want to do as you say - and he'll hear every word you utter but his instinct will not allow him to obey you. Why should he? Any fool can see the sheep are getting away - just at the moment you're expecting him to lie down and be patted. If he can think, he'll be wondering what on earth you're playing at. But this is not the open plains of Siberia. The sheep will be there tomorrow and the day after. 
Gradually the dog will begin to compromise. ……Obviously, you don't know the first thing about catching and killing sheep but OK, maybe he'll do as you say - not actually lie down as requested of course, but it will do no harm to stop for a moment - after all, he's confident he can handle the situation AND keep the peace with you at the same time. 
This is the very moment when your dog begins to change into a sheepdog. It's often referred to as 'getting the stop'. From now on, you're on your way to training a sheepdog. …… 
Continue to encourage good work and discourage faults and your dog will soon realise that there are huge advantages to doing things your way. He'll get much longer sessions (reward in itself) and the work will become more interesting every day - longer outruns and more challenging problems to overcome. Instead of working despite you, he'll now be listening to your every word. You'll be able to whisper commands and they will be obeyed instantly because the dog will know that you're the pack leader and you know best (usually). 
Now you'll begin to work as a team. And a very special team it will be indeed because both of you'll understand what the other is thinking. You'll find your dog doing what you were about to tell it to do - because he knows how your mind works and wants nothing more than to please you (and maybe he'll get a sheep for supper one day but somehow it's not so important these days). 
Taking your dog to sheep for the first time 
When you take your dog to sheep for the first time, remember he'll only have a very short attention span - sometimes just a few seconds but more usually a few minutes. If the dog runs around the sheep for a little while and then walks or runs away to do something else (often eating sheep droppings) it's a fairly reliable sign that he's tired or bored. Try to get his attention back on the sheep but don't persist. Better to stop the session for a while - maybe an hour or until the next day. 
It's probably safest for novice handlers to teach the dog to lie down before they take it to the sheep. This does not mean that the dog will lie down at this time - it's highly unlikely that it will - but it should respond more quickly to 'lie down' if it know what you mean. Some trainers argue that teaching a dog to lie down before you take it to the sheep can teach it to focus its attention on you rather than the sheep. If I found my dog was more interested in me than the sheep, I'd get another dog. 
对于初学的指导手,带狗接触羊群之前先教它lie down比较稳妥。并不是说在牧场上狗一定会听话——这几乎是不可能的——但如果它知道你的意思,至少反应会更快。有些驯犬师争辩说,让狗在接触羊群之前学习lie down,它会把注意力集中在你而不是羊群身上。如果我发现狗对我比对羊群更感兴趣,我宁愿换一条狗。 
If you take a novice dog to sheep and simply let him go, he'll respond to them in one of several ways. Some just lie down and stare but more usually, the dog will run towards the sheep and either straight through them or start to circle them. In the case of the dog remaining motionless and staring at the sheep, you'll need to run around them yourself. The movement of the sheep should eventually stir the dog into action. 
After a little while, the dog reacts according to the way the sheep and handler move - so by positioning yourself carefully, you can have a great influence on the dog's next movement. By anticipating which way your dog and the sheep will move and giving the appropriate command at the right time, you'll encourage the dog to move in a certain way when you tell it to. What you should be doing is using the position of your body together with commands to help the dog control the sheep. 
As a novice, you'll be surprised how your dog moves and even more surprised at the way in which the sheep move. An ideal way to learn how sheep will react to where you put your dog is to drive them yourself. This is only really practical in a fairly confined space but if you're able to practice driving sheep around (alone) you'll gain a wealth of valuable experience to help with dog training and especially handling. A yard or very small paddock is ideal for the task. Once you have the sheep in it, you simply decide where you want the sheep to go and try to drive them there. Not as easy as it sounds I can assure you! 
If you don't have anywhere suitable to practice this, you may be able to help a local farmer when he's moving his sheep. If not, study every sheepdog video you can, taking careful note of the reaction of the sheep to the dog and handler. 
Take my word for it that driving sheep is like pushing a loaded supermarket trolley. The thing seems to have a mind of its own. If you push it straight, it wants to go to one side or the other - likewise the sheep. If your trolley is determined to go to the left, you have to position yourself on its left-hand side and apply pressure diagonally to the right in order to keep it in a straight line. This is precisely what the dog has to do to balance the sheep. 
The heavier the load in the trolley, the more determined it is to go the way it wants and the more pressure you have to apply - likewise 'heavy' and 'light' sheep. Heavy sheep try to ignore the dog and go the way they want. Light sheep run away from the dog if it gets anywhere near - so for the heavy sheep, your dog must be strong-willed and able to push them hard but for light sheep he needs to stay well back and apply the lightest of pressure. 
The supermarket trolley is also like a bunch of sheep when you want to turn. If you try to twist the trolley in the direction you want to turn, you'll find it almost impossible but if for instance, you want to make a turn to the left, simply move yourself to the right and push - this is much like a dog flanking sheep and then walking up on them. One vital difference between the trolley and sheep is that if we want to stop the trolley, we can pull back on it. Of course, we can't do this with our woolly friends, so let's imagine we can't pull back on the trolley. We now have basically two ways of stopping it - we must either put something in front of it (again, impractical in the middle of a field) or we must run around to the front of the trolley and push it backwards. This is the most natural instinct of any border collie sheepdog (not pushing supermarket trollies) and you don't usually need to train it. 
If the dog's going to work sheep, it will very quickly learn that to stop the sheep it must 'head' them. Of course, it won't actually lean on them in the way that we would stop a trolley but it will apply pressure to the sheep by simply getting in front of them. Bizarre though it may sound, you would be wise to familiarise yourself with these points before you even attempt to take your dog to sheep - but remember to return the trolley to the supermarket! 
The whole business of introducing the dog to sheep can be altogether more dignified and controllable if you and the dog establish who is in charge and what the proceedure will be before you get there. 
Rather than just taking the dog to the field and letting it go, we can introduce much more control by the use of a line. If you're going to use a long lead, make sure you wear gloves to prevent friction burns when you have to stop the dog and bear in mind that, unlikely though it is, there is a small possibity that a trailing cord or lead could snag on something and injure your dog. Don't use a trailing lead or cord unless you're prepared to take this risk. 
The magic cord! 
One of the most useful and important accessories for training a young dog is a piece of cord with a loop at each end. It should be approximately twice the length of a dog lead, fairly thick and preferably soft. Lambing ropes (available from agricultural suppliers) are ideal - strong, correct length, soft - and they have a smooth loop at each end which is very convenient for holding. Thread the cord through the dog's collar and hold both ends in one hand (I find that holding both loops on one finger makes it easier to release the dog smoothly). You then remove the dog's lead and walk out to the sheep using the cord. 

产羔绳 (Lambing Rope) 
If the dog can see the sheep the chances are, the dog will be straining on the lead, desperate to get at the sheep. The dog will be frantically pulling and creating a stressful situation before you start, so tell him to 'lie down'. If he doesn't know what 'lie down' means, no matter, he'll have to stop because you'll pull back firmly but gently on the lead and stop him. 
狗看到羊群的时候很可能会拼命拽链子,极度渴望接近羊群。狗狂暴地拉绳子会让场面变得紧张,所以应该告诉他"lie down"。如果他不知道"lie down"的意思,没关系,你可以轻柔但坚定地往后拉绳子让他停下。 
Continue walking towards the sheep and the dog will no doubt begin pulling again. Simply repeat the procedure, telling the dog to lie down in a harsh voice and then in a progressively softer voice when he's doing what you ask. If the dog really doesn't want to know, just walk him back the way you came (away from the sheep). It will be a little tedious but if you persist with this exercise it will dawn on Fido that he's not actually going to reach the sheep unless he does as he's told - so eventually, he'll accept that he's going to have to do what the idiot on the other end of the lead says, otherwise nobody will get lamb supper tonight. 
继续走向羊群,狗儿肯定还会拉扯。重复上述动作,用严厉的声音告诉他"lie down",当他服从的时候再把声音逐步放柔和。如果狗拒绝了解你的意图,带他往回走(远离羊群)。这可能有点单调,不过如果你坚持训练,Fido迟早会明白他只有听话才能接近羊群。最后他只好接受一个事实:按照牵绳子的那个傻瓜说的做,否则谁也没有羊肉晚餐吃。 
You're likely to get closer to the sheep if your dog's walking quietly beside you - even if his head's down and he's fixing his gaze on them like a heat-seeking missile! The closer you can get, the more chance you have of early success. The sheep are likely to stay close together and as your dog has learned to stop or lie down whilst he's in heat-seeking mode, there's a much greater likleyhood that he'll stop when you command him to. He's also far more likely to go around the sheep (rather than through them) if you can get close. In fact, a great many of the problems associated with training dogs for herding or sheepdog trials are caused by the handler not getting close enough to the sheep before sending the dog off to them. 
A novice handler is often over-cautious about the behaviour of a keen young dog, preferring to stop the dog at all costs but there is usually no need to worry. By carefully watching for the correct moment, young dogs can normally be stopped by command (eventually) and as long as they're causing the sheep no harm it doesn't hurt to let them run a little. 
The trick is to watch carefully for the moment when the dog's wondering what to do next. It always happens sooner or later as the dog realises there is simply no point in charging round and round the sheep forever. Eventually it will stop and look around. This is your window of opportunity. Get it right and give a sharp 'lie down' command. If you're lucky and have trained the dog to lie down before introducing it to the sheep, there is a good chance the dog will see this as the easiest option. If not, try again when it happens in a few minutes time. 
秘诀在于:留心寻察狗在犹豫接下来该做什么的时刻。当狗终于意识到没必要绕着羊群一圈又一圈地冲的时候,它会停下来东张西望。这就是你的机会了。抓住机遇大声命令它"lie down"。如果你运气好,放羊之前又已经训练过lie down,狗很有可能会觉得这是最容易的选择。否则,在它几分钟后再次停下的时候再试一次。 
When the dog lies down immediately repeat the "lie down" command in a softer voice and keep repeating it - still softer and softer until you're whispering. ... The harsh voice commands the dog to do whatever you're telling it to and the progressively softer voices graduate from a command to gentle reassurance that the dog has done the correct thing. Repeating the gentle command also leaves the dog in no doubt that you want it to continue doing what it just did. If the dog gets up again before you tell it to, go back to the sharp command to emphasise that you're in command, not him. Again, gradually soften the command when the dog's doing as you tell it. 
当狗趴下时,马上用较为柔和的声音重复"lie down"的命令,并且不断地用越来越柔和的声音重复,直到你在耳语为止。……严厉的声音是命令狗无条件服从,而逐渐柔和的声音则是在温柔地肯定狗儿做得对。同时这也让狗确信:你将来还想让它重复它刚做的那件事。如果狗自己爬起来的话,再用严厉的命令强调你的指挥地位,并在它服从的时候再次把语气放缓。 
The secret of getting a good "stop" is to let the dog go! 
It's vitally important that the dog learns that you're not necessarily stopping its game every time you tell it to lie down so, for a little while, be sure to reward your dog by sending it off again immediately it's stopped. A thousand voices will scream that this paragraph directly contradicts the practice of harsh voice commands followed by repeated softer voice commands. How can you repeat commands in a progressively softening voice if you also have to send the dog away immediately? 
最重要的是让狗明白:每次你让它lie down的时候,并不一定是在终止它的游戏。所以,刚开始训练的时候,一旦狗停下,必须马上允许它跑开,做为奖励。很多人会大叫说这段话和上文“运用先严厉后柔和的口头命令”是完全相反的。如果必须马上让狗跑开的话,又怎么能用逐渐柔和的声音重复口令呢? 
In reality you need to do both to begin with and you must decide for yourself which is appropriate at any given time. 
... If the dog's mainly circling the sheep in a fairly calm manner, you're lucky. Simply encourage him to stay on the opposite side of the sheep to you by using really warm and friendly tones in your voice when he's in the right place and by growling or saying sharply 'Ahh-ah-ah' or similar when it comes round to your side. Don't be afraid to let the dog circle the sheep - it will knock the edge off his enthusiasm and energy - normally making the training session more controlled. 
What you should avoid is the dog circling in one direction only. Make him go both ways around the sheep to prevent him becoming "handed" - a bad habit which can be hard to stop later on. 